University of Baghdad in Solidarity with the Iraqi brave army – a report with pictures

The university has set up its honorable stance of solidarity with the Iraqi brave army , which put the greatest heroic epics since its foundation till now. Our brave army confirms to the world day after day that it is a symbol of humanity and peace, where the students and professors stand in the courtyard of the university to great the Iraqi Army, which has become the only hope protecting the society from large threats faced by our society now and then. A demonstration of solidarity for our Iraqi Army was held.  President of the university Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussain Abdul rasool assistant administrative, Dr. Hussein Yousef and heads of departments at the university with a lot of professors  and students participated in the celebration, chanting  and  praising the courage of the Iraqi army and its  big championships , the media and satellite channels have  covered  important aspects of this celebration.

Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussein Abdul rasul, university president, delivered  a speech on this occasion where he explained that  the Iraqi army is a great symbol in the  homeland  and it represents all sectors of  Iraq, the army stances are  great in protecting the society  from attacks and the harm that the society  and the nation encounter, has been the strong fence of  many attacks,  we celebrate to confirm our support and solidarity with our strong army, calling Almighty God to keep  our  army  safe .Prof. Dr. Hussein Yousef  explained to  our website while he  is participating professors and students the University celebrations and solidarity with the army that it is the fundamental basis of the prestige of the country.

Our army represented a  wonderful and flourished image of our society to fight  the  injustice and tyranny, it  had many great heroic stances in response to the attacks and repeated aggressions against our beloved country. Instructor Engineer AbdulKareem Mounir, Director of Office of President of the University , contributed in the celebration  and explained for our website that the celebrations of the university came as an implicit expression of  the aspirations of the society. The fact that the university is in the service of society a slogan which was raised in support of the society and its development, what  the University has done  today but  a humanitarian demonstration in support of peace and humanitarian forward by standing in support of our army, which  formed immortal heroic epics in defense of the Iraqi human dignity  and even  the Arab because of its effective and significant contributions in the defense of Arab lands, as the history of our army  is full of t heroic honorable tracks  and there are a lot of important events in the history of Iraq,the Army had an active and decisive role, so we stand today and every day with our brave army to defend the  homeland .The website team followed –up  the celebration  and documented with a set of photographs.

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