The College of Mass Communication at the University of Baghdad, in cooperation with Al-Jazira Media Institute, launched a course for teachers and employees entitled “Mobile Journalism,” under the supervision of the College’s dean, Prof. Dr. Ammar Taher.

The first day of the course, in which Mr. Abdullah Ibrahim Al-Shehaimi lectured, included the basics of photography, an introduction to mobile photography, as well as a detailed explanation of the Adobe Lightroom program, which is concerned with photo editing.

The lecture dealt with the definition of mobile journalism, the features and challenges facing the journalist, who uses a mobile device to cover events, how to develop a correct roadmap, as well as basic rules for mobile photography.

It should be noted that this course lasts for “five days”. The second day includes design using Canva, the third day is mobile video production, and the fourth day of the event includes creating an advanced video. Finally, the fifth day is dedicated to the final project and the distribution of certificates.

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