The Baghdad University hosted a workshop on improving global university rankings in Mehdi Hantoush Hall at the College of Engineering. The workshop was delivered by the expert in scientific research and university rankings, Prof.Dr. Nader Al Ibrahim, in presence of the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Haider Abdul Dahed, Assistant Rector for Scientific Affairs, Prof.Dr. Marwan Ashour, and Director of the Quality Assurance and Academic Performance Department at the University, Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan.

During the event, they were discussed the introduction to scientific research tools and the focus of academic reputation management in international rankings, and aspects that related to scientific research and how to advance them to enable the university to reach advanced ranking, also the mechanisms used to raise the ranking of universities through research, citations, and international repositories.

This workshop comes within a series of workshops hosted by Baghdad universities to foster the university’s global ranking and develop the quality of scientific research in the service of the educational process and our country.

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