The Rector of the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saadi, accompanied by the Dean of the College of Science, Assist.Prof. Dr. Raed Faleh Hassan, inaugurated the Laboratory of Geological Tests Workshop in the Department of Geoscience, in the presence of the Director of the Department of Quality Assurance and Academic Performance, Assist.Prof.Dr. Omar Faleh Hassan.

Prof. Dr. Munir Al-Saadi, toured the corridors of the workshop, which was presented by the Head of the Department of Earth Science, Prof. Dr. Salam Marhoon, explaining the importance of this laboratory, which works according to slides that restore the thin section to conduct geological examinations on it, which include soil type and sedimentary properties of paleontology, rocks, minerals, geochemistry, and layers to give a scientific educational interpretation to those who benefits from it.

The Rector of the University of Baghdad appreciated the efforts of the Deanship of the College and the Department of Earth Science and their relentless endeavor to develop the work of the laboratory and rehabilitate it to provide its scientific services to students, in conducting geological, engineering, and physical examinations and preparing geological reports for samples that are examined, written and studied for rock slides and laboratory examinations of rocks, minerals, ores and soils and their diagnosis, calling for the opening of a permanent exhibition to display the types Rocks and soil analysis and their types and forms, especially since the importance of this exhibition comes in that it is the only one at the level of the University of Baghdad.

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