The university focuses on everything that offers success for colleges , institutes and scientific centers to serve the researcher as a student or professor at the university, which the university took to develop its discrete scientific reality in all its scientific locations .To achieve this, Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdul hussein, president of the University of Baghdad, ,  instructed that the meetings of the University Council to be outside the building of the presidency of the university from now and then and the colleges will be headquarters for meetings of the University Council, so that they can look and investigate more things with the University Council as a whole, and thus all members of the University Council benefit from the experiences of colleges. At the same time to stand at the cases that may cause obstacle to achieve the ambitions and aspirations of the university .The university president has headed the second meeting of the University Council of the academic year 2013 -2014 in the College of Physical Education and with  the presence of all the members of the Council, where a lot of  things, important issues  of  students, professors and researchers in general have been discussed.

of the University Council and the members of the Council thanked and appreciated all contributors of the success of the graduation ceremony for students and also thanked all the journalists who have made ​​efforts to cover the celebration. Then the Council discussed the important issues that were reviewed like the issue of the extension of postgraduate students and its impact on the progress of scientific research. Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussein has emphasized to complete the writing of theses within the prescribed period and not to let it be delayed, and not to encourage the student to postpone or and then neglect his studies under the slogan of extension which is found primarily for exceptional cases and the bad circumstances. It is found that a large proportion is calling for an extension which affects negatively the university and its educational plans and programs. Many members of the University Council supported what the university president has stated.

The Council also discussed the subject of students’ granting according to the letter of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, to find an objective mechanism in the distribution of grant in aid to the needy students, as well as the Council discussed the subject of transferring of students among universities, and dealt with within the scientific framework of achieving   scientific gains and sublime goals.

The Council also hosted, Dr. Sidky Ismail Rzoqi, Director of Engineering affairs  at the University to discuss all engineering issues and the projects carried out by the university, what has been reached and the percentage of completion .Dr. Sidky explained in a meeting with the website team that the university has implemented a number of projects of construction and rehabilitation of scientific and internal departments or scientific laboratories , and the university will achieve a large amount of new facilities , the fact that the university needs many buildings , especially as it did not expand its buildings  decades ago , since the sixties by virtue of the conditions the country suffered and the university has implemented a lot of projects that 75% of the investment plan of last  year , God willing the  percentage will be larger this year and with  exceptional  efforts the university was  able to provide many of the modern scientific laboratories and of the global discrete  origin for most of the colleges ,it is also updating and developing all scientific laboratories .For example  the College of Education Ibn al-Haytham has been provided with the most modern research laboratories of two million dollars , as well as the Medical College /Al- Kindi has been provided with “plasticized bodies” , which is one of the latest teaching techniques and cognitive and scientific applications in medicine within the practical applications for students in the curriculum ,in the sense that they are rare and can be manufactured only in Germany or America. The university has provided two of these bodies and it will provide ten bodies for the college of Medicine of Baghdad.

The University Council also hosted Mr. Mohammed Al-Azzawi to discuss the rest of the operating budget of 2013 and the percentage of achieved completion, treating the issues and developing solutions. Mr. Mohamed explained for our website that the percentage of implementation of the budget for the last year was 97% and this year we will try to be the highest to be the best in the implementation of budgets and gain scientific facilities for  our university that need more support and development so that to be always at the top.


   Prof. Dr. Hussein Yousef, Administrative Assistant of the President of the University, in a meeting after the convening of the Council of the university, stated that the university sees and considers again all the scientific issues in order to keep pace with other global developments, so we are watching the situation with the latest  scientific events  and treat all the issues according to renewed scientific perspective in line with what the  university wishes, especially since the university has proven enormous jumps which requires an extra effort to stay always at the top .Therefore we instructed  to the adoption of modern management mechanisms in the development of the administrative work of the University , and the adoption of digital technology and developed techniques in the work  in order to achieve the aspirations and goals that our university seeks for  and that our quest will not stop at a certain extent, but it is renewed day after day to keep pace with the latest global developments .
  The website team accompanied the University Council meeting and the discussion of scientific and strategic issues and has documented the meeting with a set of photographs.

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