Inventor: Dr. Mohammed Ali Majid Zayer/ Student Activities Division, College of Arts, University of Baghdad
As the designer is a soccer player, a coach, and an academic in the field of soccer, his aim was to design a device to be a creative scientific mean to develop the speed of motor response and the accuracy of passing as they have an important role in the game of soccer. The device contains two iron pieces shaped as a square and a circle on each side and connected to an iron plate in the middle of the device separating the two squares and circles. The iron plate is attached to a rail to be moved by a motor and reels on each side of the rail. The device moves to the right and left by the activator keys. The device is supplemented by a wood plate put in front of the device to hide the two squares and circles so as to be unknown before giving the instructions to move them. There is another electrical device containing four lights. Two lights are in the form of arrow (right and left), and the other two are in the form of a square and a circle.