Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Sadiq Salman, the director of Ibn Sina Center for E-Learning received recently a ministerial delegation from the ministry of higher education and scientific research to follow-up the center’s work and the services it provides for other institutions in the field of e-learning.

The delegation consisted of Dr. Anwar al-Jubouri, representing the ministry of higher education, Dr. Amer Al-Amir from the University of Information Technology and Communications (UOITC), Dr. Khalid Ali Al-Mayah from Mustansiriyah University, Dr. Uday Ali Ahmed from the University of Technology, as well as Dr. Essam Al-Khalidi from the University of Kufa. They discussed matters related to workshops, seminars and lectures offered by Ibn Sina Center to create an advanced digital environment at the University of Baghdad and prospects of mutual cooperation.

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