Assist. Prof. Dr. Maarib Nazeeh Al-Obaidi and Assist.Teacher Siham Hamel, from the institute of genetic engineering and biotechnology for postgraduate studies have participated recently in the proceedings of the 5th scientific conference on science and engineering held at the Astana Medical University in Turkey with a research paper entitled (Isolation, molecular identification and influence of incubation period on hemolysine gene expression in Serratiamarcescens local isolates).

The researchers studied 100 samples from clinical and environmental sources at the city of Baghdad and planted a number of isolations in a DNase selective medium for the sake of studying these isolations after the the growth of bacteria through the use of microscopy and biochemical tests.

The researchers obtained 28 isolations from the Serratiamarcescens bacterium that have the ability to hemolasin based on their decomposition and which appears in clear areas around the developing bacterial colony.


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