College of arts at University of Baghdad organized the opening of the Japanese film festival entitled “Tsunami after eight years” in cooperation with the Japanese Embassy in Iraq and in the presence of a number of professors. During his speech, the dean of the college Dr. Salah Fleifel Aid al-Jabri referred to the political, economic, social, intellectual and ethical aspects of Japanese society which has succeeded in creating a multifaceted change in its reality when compared with the hard times encountered before that it became a symbol of prosperity nowadays. The Secretary of the embassy, Miss Megumi Kato delivered a lecture on the journey of development and construction in the period following the northeast Japan earthquake since 2011 where a documentary on Tsunami was presented to uncover the moral and human effects left. Miss Megumi stated that japan has integrated all its efforts to restore what was destroyed by the earthquake, so it gave all humanity unique lessons on peace-building, especially for Iraq and other conflict-affected nations towards an intellectual cooperation with other nations to address their challenges.


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