Rector Associate for scientific affairs meets Web administrators
Rector Associate for scientific affairs at University of Baghdad Assistant Prof. Dr. Osama Fadhil Abdul Latif met Web administrators of all university formations and discussed many topics concerned such as ways to improve the practical reality of their work. This meeting was attended by the director of media and public relations department Assistant Prof. Dr. Adel Abdul Razak Mustaf and director of university official website unit Teacher Bassim Hamid. Dr. Osama asserted the importance of electronic media and the need to upgrade our website to an advanced position among global rankings as well as the need to publish research in global journals like “Thompson Rueters” that follows follow precise criteria in maintaining the rights of publishers. The meeting witnessed also a lecture delivered by the engineer Safaa Jacob on the search engine “Google Scholar” and how our professors can be registered in to increase their “H-index” and to upload their academic papers.