Marshes in the eyes of our university
In support for inclusion in world heritage, scientific trips for studying eco-villages
University dedicates its potential for supporting all that promote the homeland and bring gains for our sons through its scientific and educational role to be in the foreground in national and humanitarian initiatives such as including marshes and Ur city in the World heritage list since it enjoys the magic of nature and rare antiquities that represent a map of the history of the entire world, so it still gain the attention of scientists, historians and tourists from all over the world. The beauty of nature and the ecological villages surrounding the marshes and their picturesque was a reason for inspiration and weirdness of a lot of people interested in culture and history since marshes are one of the broadest most diverse ecological environments in the world covering around 13000-15000 square kilometers, the largest of them are Hammar marshes (5100 square kilometers) and Houizeh marshes (3000 square kilometers) making it as an international protectorate that can be easily monitored by United Nations and UNESCO. The inhabitants of the marshes are considered as an extension to Sumerians who dwelt Ur in Dhi Qar governorate that contained a lot of significant and aesthetic monuments of cultural and historical importance, as well as a religious status among the adherents of Christianity fir being the home of the prophet Abraham (PBUH) to be a center for pilgrims of the entire world annually and a global center of divine religion.
Since the first letter appeared in the land of Sumer, so this city has become a center of intellectual and human radiation, from this orientation Baghdad University has paid great attention to this fact through undertaking many academic events such as field visits for many years. Department of architecture at the faculty of engineering in cooperation with University of Muthanna established a scientific trip to Dhi Qar and Muthanna governorates with an invitation made by Ahmed Abdul Aal, associate dean of the college of engineering at Muthanna University in the presence of a number of professors and graduate students where they visited the archaeological sites at Jabayish marshes, Nasiriyah by boats, visiting the martyr at Jabayish monument, Ziggurat of Ur, Shulke Palace and home of Prophet Abraham (PBUH, then they went head towards the Lake of Sawa. The aim of this trip is to contribute through Baghdad University represented by the faculty of engineering to support the inclusion of marshes to the world heritage list. It is worth mentioned that Samawah is one of the areas inhabited by the old man since the earliest historical times and before where the traces were found back to old Stone Age in Qasir Valley just two kilometers southwest Qasir Castle in southern Samawah desert. University website team accompanied these trips and documented them with a number of photos.