Joint cooperation between the college of science and Bonn Astronomy Institute in GermanyEnglish Admin22/10/2019 The department of astronomy and space at the college of science has agreed on a joint scientific, research and ...
A student participates in the annual forum for medical students in GermanyEnglish Admin22/10/2019 A student from the college of medicine at the University of Baghdad Mustafa Abbas Badr has participated recently in ...
Iraqi student gains the membership of the Royal College of Surgeons in EdinburghEnglish Admin22/10/2019 Mustafa Abbas Badr, a third stage student at the college of medicine, University of Baghdad has gained recently the ...
Professor from Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering wins the bronze medal in ICSECS International ConferenceEnglish Admin22/10/2019 Assist. Teacher Hiba Mohammed Fadhil from the department of information and communication engineering at Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering with ...
Professor from al-Khwarizmi college of engineering participates in the 2nd International Conference on Materials ScienceEnglish Admin22/10/2019 Assist. Prof. Dr. Maher Yahya Salloom from the department of mechatronics engineering at al-Khwarizmi college of engineering has participated ...
University of Baghdad participates in the 4th international conference for civil engineering in IstanbulEnglish Admin22/10/2019 Associate Rector for administrative affairs, Prof. Dr. Hussein Hameed Kareem and his entourage have participated recently in the fourth ...
Two professors from the institute of genetic engineering participate in a conference in TurkeyEnglish Admin22/10/2019 Assist. Prof. Dr. Maarib Nazeeh Al-Obaidi and Assist.Teacher Siham Hamel, from the institute of genetic engineering and biotechnology for ...
Institute of genetic engineering participates in a conference on medical research in ErbilEnglish Admin10/10/2019 The dean of the Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology for Graduate Studies at the University of Baghdad, Prof. ...
The ministerial committee of the national ranking visits the computer centerEnglish Admin10/10/2019 The ministerial committee of the national ranking for the quality of the Iraqi universities visited the computer center headed ...
Academic cooperation between The Computer Center and Juniper NetworksEnglish Admin10/10/2019 The director of the computer center at the University of Baghdad, Dr. Samer Sami Hassan held a video conference ...
Academic cooperation between the Computer Center and the Pioneers AcademyEnglish Admin09/10/2019 The director of the computer center, Dr. Samer Sami Hassan has recently met some representatives of the Pioneers Academy ...
Professor from the college of dentistry receives the membership of the Royal British CollegeEnglish Admin08/10/2019 Prof. Dr. Fawaz Dawood from the Oral Diagnosis Branch at the college of dentistry was awarded recently with a ...