The university of Baghdad reaffirms its lead in world classifications by gaining three stars in QS rankings of quality. This came through a ceremony held in the presence of the president ...
The call of Al-Marjiiya has formed a major challenge for all the sons of the homeland among them are the faithful and the builders. As usual, uiversity of Baghdad being part of the society has met the call of the good Marjiiya Imam Ayatollah Ali Al- Sistani and according ...
For the third consecutive year, our university has taken the first rank over all other Iraqi universities in the global Webometrics ranking of world universities" issued by Spain, with the participation of 25,000 universities that compete for advanced ranks, and the university has received more congratulations and blessings ...
The University consoles the departure of the first architect of Baghdad, Dr. Mohammed Saleh Makkiya, a leading architecture and the founder of modern Baghdadi architecture , who had given Iraq and humanitarian eternal architectural masterpieces, which ...
Under the slogan "Speicher Martyrsan issue of a homeland" and sponsored directly by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Hussein Al-Shahristani, University of Baghdad has set up a great ...
With the call of the religious authority, the great Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani, God protects him, immediately His Excellency Dr. Hussein al-Shahristani makes a call to all faculty members and students to meet the call by engaging to the centers of training of combat ...
The results that were achieved by the university of Baghdad in global forums and prestigious universities had the essential role in renew our university and addressing many media flows that are among the basic priorities we adhere and that make media capabilities be in line with the size and the level attained by the university that is expanding day by day, ...
Ministry of higher education and scientific research sponsors innovations, researches, distinguished scientific activities and all the innovations and breakthroughs made by our university, especially in achieving ...
University of Baghdad has won the first rank among the Iraqi universities and eighteenth rank among the 100 Arab universities of QS which is devoted to the Arab region of 2015.Accordingly , university of Baghdad has ...
University of Baghdad still keeps pace with the global scientific development taking place in European universities through the participation of its faculty members in all international ...
The university as an integral part of the society has been standing in line with the army and the popular crowd in supporting them to defend the homeland, from here has ...
Within the multiple activities and achievements carried out by the faculty members of University of Baghdad through openness to the outside world in addition to participating in the global ...