Prospects of cooperation between the college of Islamic sciences and the State University of JakartaEnglish Admin30/07/2019 The dean of the college of Islamic sciences at the University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Mohammed Jawad Mohammed al-Turaihi ...
The college of engineering achieves the first step towards a globally certificate equationEnglish Admin30/07/2019 The certificate of the department of civil engineering at the University of Baghdad gained recently an international recognition from ...
College of media discusses a proposal of the act on the right of access to informationEnglish Admin30/07/2019 The college of media at the University of Baghdad held a dialogue session under the title “Information as a ...
The computer center participates in SAP Conference on Digital Transformation in IraqEnglish Admin28/07/2019 The computer center at the University of Baghdad represented by its director Dr. Samer Sami Hassan and a number ...
Prospects for scientific cooperation between the computer center and Al-Khwarizmi college of engineeringEnglish Admin28/07/2019 Director of the computer center at the University of Baghdad Dr. Samer Sami Hassan hosted the dean of Al-Khwarizmi ...
Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering participating in Women Cybersecurity ProgramEnglish Admin24/07/2019 An elite of the third stage students from the department of information and communication at al-Khwarizmi college of engineering ...
Professor from the college of physical education participates in international conference in BangkokEnglish Admin24/07/2019 Prof. Dr. Nada Nabhan Ismail from the college of physical education and sports sciences at the University of Baghdad ...
The college of administration and economics discusses an agreement with King Abdullah II Center for ExcellenceEnglish Admin24/07/2019 The college of administration and economics at the University of Baghdad held a meeting with representatives of King Abdullah ...
Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering opens up prospects of twinning agreement with Al-Basrah University CollegeEnglish Admin23/07/2019 Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abd Attia al-Sarraj, dean of al-Khwarizmi college of engineering at the University of Baghdad signed recently ...
Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering signs a cooperation mechanism with Al-Mustaqbal University CollegeEnglish Admin23/07/2019 Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering at the University of Baghdad signed a joint cooperation mechanism with Al-Mustaqbal University College based ...
Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering signs a cooperation agreement with Al-Rafidain University CollegeEnglish Admin23/07/2019 Al-Khwarizmi college of engineering at the University of Baghdad signed a cooperation agreement with Al-Rafidain University College in academic ...
Associate Rector for administrative affairs visits the center for continuing educationEnglish Admin22/07/2019 Associate Rector for administrative affairs, Prof. Dr. Hussein Hamid Karim visited the center for development and continuing education at ...