Department of Scientific Affairs


Department of Scientific Affairs and Cultural Relations was established since the mid eighties where the Scientific Affairs was a section at that time and was separated from the department in 1997 to be an independent department which includes many units.
Units of the Department:
Scientific researches and their documentation.
Scientific devotion for the faculty members.
Writing and printing textbooks.
Scholarships / full-time and part-time study for students in Iraq.
Centers of research and scientific development / activities, units , departments and centers.
Curriculum / BA, MA and Ph.D.
Performance assessment / for faculty members and senior leadership.
Conferences and seminars.
Scientific Journals / supervising them and following -up their issues.
Central promotions.
Administration and Manager of the Department:
The department is managed by the manager of the department and officials of the units.
Duties of the Department:
Supervising and following up all the scientific priorities belonging to the works of the University through the units of the department.