Many of the major embassies, especially the European, Asian, American, Canadian and Australian have expressed their desire to communicate with our university and the ...
Again our university gains the classification of webometrics issued from Spain including the higher and deep - rooted international universities such as Harvard, Oxford & Toronto and other huge and immense universities ...
With blessed prayers all of our students and professors with the minister of higher education and scientific research pray for our brave army who is fighting the terrorists. His Excellency, the minister, has called during ...
University of Baghdad has begun working with the electronic application of postgraduate studies by receiving the applicants of the academic year 2014-2015 which started on 1st of July and will end on 14th ...
After the country has been encountered threats from enemies and terrorists in our beloved city Mousal, the students and the staff of the university of Baghdad compete to volunteer with their brothers in the military forces to clean up the Iraqi lands ...
There are many giant personalities, who studied and graduated from the university of Baghdad, like scientists, engineers, intellectuals and even presidents like former president of Indonesia Abdul Rahman Wahid, current Iraqi president Jalal Talabani ...
Under the supervision and guidance of the president of the university prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdul Hussein to follow the latest and best information developed systems, our cadres in the department of postgraduate studies has embarked on designing and implementing the software ...
Coinciding with the anniversary of the birth of the commander of the faithful, Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon him), our university has set up a big celebration in its day which is the largest in the Arab world and the Middle East ...
Prof. Dr. Alaa’ Abdulhussein, president of Baghdad university, inaugurated the electronic anatomy lab using a projector "Sectra" which represents a breakthrough in the evolution of medical science and anatomy ...
Our university hosts experts, scientists and philosophers from various universities in the world accredited universities , and this time our university has hosted prof. Dr. Papa Lardy science professor at the university of Rome, Italy in the of college of science ...
In memory of the martyrdom of the most honourable daughter of God’s Messenger, Mohammed (PBUH&HP) Fatima Al-Zahra’ (PBUH), university of Baghdad has commemorated this agonizing occasion and remembrance ...
The minister of higher education and scientific research, Mr. Ali Mohammed Hussein Al-Adeeb prompts to correct the rules of mental health and enhance the standards and scientific bases for the values of the society, stressing the importance of ...