Lecturer from the college of education (Ibn Rushd) participates in a conference on sustainable development in EgyptEnglish Admin20/02/2019 Prof. Dr. Aiad Abdul Rida Abdulla from the department of geography, college of education for humanities (Ibn Rushd participated ...
Center for Cancer Research participates in promotion and provision of medicines for cancer treatment English Admin20/02/2019 Director of center for cancer research at University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Nada Abdul Sahib al-Alwan participated in the ...
The central library concludes the events of a training course on bibliographic catalogingEnglish Admin19/02/2019 The central library at University of Baghdad concluded its training course on bibliographic cataloging and Mark 21 Record in ...
Lecturer from the college of medicine participates in a training course in ItalyEnglish Admin19/02/2019 Dr. Amir Thahir Hamidi,a professor from the department of pathology and forensic medicine at the college of medicine, University ...
The pioneer national center for cancer research signs a memorandum of understanding with Soran UniversityEnglish Admin18/02/2019 Director of the pioneer national center for cancer research at University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Nada Abdul Sahib Al-Alwan ...
Lecturers from the college of Ibn al-Haitham participate in an international conference in PortugalEnglish Admin18/02/2019 Prof. Aseel Fouad al-Husseini and Assist. Prof. Dr. Israa Karim Nasrallah from in the department of biology, college of ...
Lecturer from the college of education (Ibn al-Haitham) registers a number of genetic mutationsEnglish Admin18/02/2019 Prof. Dr. Rana Mujahid Abdullah, a lecturer from the department of biology, college of education for pure and applied ...
Faculty of medicine approves a proposal to open a consulting clinic for medical specializationsEnglish Admin17/02/2019 At its 8th session, the council of the faculty of medicine, University of Baghdad issued a resolution approving a ...
Professor from the institute of genetic engineering joins Franklin Membership CouncilEnglish Admin13/02/2019 Assist. Prof. Dr. Rasha Abdul Hussein Mahood from the institute of genetic engineering and biotechnology for postgraduate studies at ...
Rector of University of Baghdad chairs a meeting with directors of research centersEnglish Admin12/02/2019 Rector of University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdul Hussein Abdul Rasool presided over an extensive meeting with all ...
Rector of University of Baghdad receives a delegation from the University of MazandaranEnglish Admin10/02/2019 Rector of University of Baghdad, Prof. Dr. Alaa Abdul Hussein Abdul Rasool received the Rector of the Iranian University ...
New brilliance of the students of engineering at TASCA International Forum English Admin07/02/2019 A number of students from the department of architectural engineering at the college of engineering, University of Baghdad participated ...