Division of Government Contracts


Department of Government Contracts was set up according to the university letter No. 4665 on 23/2/2009; it is related administratively to the President of the university and technically with the department of government contracts at the headquarters of the ministry.
Duties of Department:
It considers all private business contracts in accordance with the instructions of the implementation of government contracts in force or be replaced by any instructions from the announcement of tenders to the last stages of the contract.
The Department of government contracts works with its units, each by its position on the implementation of contracts.
The department consists of five administrative units:
Follow-up Unit:
Coordinating with the Center of Ministry and relevant authorities regarding the financial allocation for projects to be implemented.
Following -up requirements to create the work location or warehouses or the allocation of lands required for the project.
Following up the private legal procedures that are acquired by land and the necessary legal procedures in case of breach of contractual obligations by the contractor and in a way that guarantees the rights of the university and configurations.
Unit of contracts:
Preparing of Documents of the Tender.
The announcement of the tender, implementing the procedures of the referral and the preparation of draft of contracts and signing them in coordination with the department of government contracts in the headquarter of the ministry.
Coordinating with the Department of Government contracts to obtain approvals to choose the best method for the implementation of contracts and obtaining legal approvals in this matter and everything related to the implementation of government contracts.
Translating of contracts and documents of the .tenders.
Unit of Import:
Handle all the private business of the department of import and supply, which was entrusted to the Department of Import.
Unit of Administrative and Archive
Unit of Investment
Department Website: http://www.gct.uobaghdad.edu.iq