Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations


Department of Scholarships and Cultural Relations was founded in 1957 since the foundation of Baghdad University. It is one of the main active departments of the university .Its main responsibility is to maintain contacts with other universities in the world .This department is responsible for updating developments in the world .This is done through sending scholarships (personnel and faculty members) as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students. Protocols and agreements have been signed with many ancient and prestigious universities all over the world.
Units of the department:
Secretary unit.
Deployments unit.
Hosting and prizes unit.
Scholarships unit.
Study leave unit.
Bilateral agreements unit.
The organizations affairs unit.
Head of department: Dr. Ayaid kazim Zgair
Duties of department:
It signs agreements of cooperation and twinning with international universities.
Maintains the link between Baghdad University and the rest of the universities through opening windows of communication and exchange of benefit and to join organizations and international scientific unions.
Sends the students in fellowships abroad. Grants studies- leave abroad.
Dispatches of faculty, staff and students for training and scientific research.
Grants scientific full time researching for faculty members abroad.
Sends the students in scholarships and research.
Secondments faculty members from and to the rest of the universities.
Hosts professors from abroad. Participates in the awards and competitions abroad.
Authenticates and assesses the certificates.