Study of the Mechanical Stability and Hardness of the Irradiated Xeno Bony Implantation in Induced Femoral Fractures in Rabbits
Prepared by:
Assist. Prof. Dr. Humam Hussam Al-Din Mohammed Nazhat/
Department of surgery, College of veterinary medicine, University of Baghdad
Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafal Addul Datem Omer/
Department of surgery, College of veterinary medicine, University of Baghdad
Assist. Prof. Dr. Rafal Addul Datem Omer/
Department of surgery, College of veterinary medicine, University of Baghdad
The aim of the study is to evaluated the effect of the low level therapy of continuous diode laser (the dose for 2 week, every 72 hours interval) on the xeno bony implantation (which prepared from sheep ribs after cleaning and sterilization to reduce the immunogensity effect in 1cm length)which used to fill the induced femoral empty defect in rabbits fractures ,the parameters which were used for evaluation are the radiological ,histopathological ,mechanical and the biochemical analysis till the end of 12 weeks post operation .the results were revealed good bony incorporation between the bony implantation and the recipient femoral bone ,with clinical and radiological union and increase the density ,bone mineralization hardiness with increase fracture tolerance in the irradiated xeno bony implantation compare with the control group. The conclusion were the xeno bony implantation which irradiated with LLLT which prepared from sheep ribs can be used to fill the induced empty space in the femoral fractures strongly and successfully with good fracture healing no complication no body rejection.