Production Of Iraqi Colorant Resistant to Different Processing Conditions And Its Use in Certain Food Applications
Prepared by:
Prof. Dr. Kifah Saeed Abbas Dosh/Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Baghdad
Ahlam Makki Abdul Jabbar/
Department of Food Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Baghdad
Prof. Dr. Amer Khalaf Aziz al-Darosh
Ahlam Makki Abdul Jabbar/
Consumers are avoiding foods containing synthetic colorants, which lead food industries to replace them by natural pigments. Food colorants may be classified into synthetic, nature-identical, inorganic and natural colorants. Natural colorants for food are made from renewable sources. Most often, the colorants are extracted from plant material. To get the best use of biologically active compound from the date palm leaves as one of agriculture wastage, the pigments were extracted from Iraqi date palm leaves by 0.025,0.050,0.100 N sodium hydroxide .The best concentration was 0.05N. Carotenoids were isolated by column chromatography carotene in date palm leaves was 7.5 mg /100g .The results of conformation test of the crud pigments which was obtained by calculating its ג max compared to ג max of standard pigments like annatto β – carotenes and orang- G, showed that it had the same ג max with annatto and β- carotenes and different from orang-G. The extracted colorant showed pH stability in range (4-10). These extracts showed high stability to word salt concentration up to 40 percent and sugar concentration to 30 percent. Experiments on the effect of storage condition on color stability showed the highest percentage of color was lost during storage of extracts stored in transparent bottles at room temperature followed by extracts stored in similar transparent bottles at refrigerator. However the best color loss was obtained in extracts stored in dark bottles stored in the refrigerator followed by extracts stored in similar dark bottles at room temperature. Addition of colorant extract by a percentage of 0.05 mg / kg cheese resulted in processed cheese scored highest by organoleptic evaluation compared with control cheese. The composition of the processed cheese was not affected by the addition of cheese colorant.