Inventors: Senior Agricultural Engineer: Mohammed Ayed Abdullah/Agriculture Department of Wasit, Ministry of Agriculture
Assist. Prof. Dr. Suad Khudhair Ahmed/Department of Animal Production, College of Agricultural Engineering Sciences, University of Baghdad
Prof. Dr. Bushra Mohammed Jabir/Department of Biology, College of Science for Women, University of Baghdad
Assist. Prof. Dr. Sana Hator Awad/Department of Chemistry, College of Science for Women, University of Baghdad
Phytosterls are secondary metabolites produced by plants naturally, This study was conducted in order to determine the effect of In ovo injection hatching eggs with steroid extract of Bacopa monnieri L. in to shape crude and nanoparticles of embryonic development, and the length and diameter of the muscular fibroblast of the embryo at the age of 18 days of embryonic development, and study of the hatching characteristics as well as the weight of the broiler chick at the age of one day. 705 eggs were prepared with all the conditions of hatching, from the mothers of the broiler (ROS 308) divided into five groups of three replicates (47 egg per replicate) included these groups:
The first group (T1) negative control group which is put in the hatchery without injection , The second group (T2) positive control group injected with a dose of 0.2 ml (N.S) , The third group (T3) was injected with a dose of 0.2 (N.S) containing a concentration of 100 μg of chitosan nanoparticals (Cs/STTP) , The fourth group (T4) was injected with a dose of 0.2 mL (N.S) containing a concentration of 100 μg of steroid crud extract of Bacopa monnieri , The fifth group (T5) was injected with a dose of 0.2 mL (N.S) containing a concentration of 100 μg of the (Cs/STTP+Linker+ Steroid)/each Egg, at zero-day respectively In the air sac. Natural steroid compounds were extracted from Bcopaa monnieri L. and after detection it by HPLC technology, converted into nanoscale size and carried by using an active and safety bond like malic anhydride on the chitosan nanoparticles, this is the first method in which steroid-sized nanoparticles after being extracted and linking them with a compound activity and safety by reliable link and study their effect on increasing the weight of the hatched chicks, most of the research referred to the encapsulation of nanomaterials with the chitosan nanoparticles not a link between them, the tests and descriptions of the nanoparticles were performed before injecting hatching eggs.
The results of the injection showed a significant increase )P≤0.01) in the relative weight of the embryos in T5 compared to the negative and positive control and other treatment at the age of 18 days of embryonic development, the relative weight of the shell was significantly reduced )P≤0.05) in the T5 compared to T3 and T4, the relative weight of the breast recorded a significant increase )P≤0.05) for T5 compared with the negative control T1, Histological tests of the length and diameter of the breast muscle fibroblast of the 18-day from embryo development showed a high significant )P≤0.01) in the length of the muscular fibroblast for T5 compared with other treatments and followed it T4 treatment which was higher significantly) P≤0.01) compared to control treatments, diameter muscular fibroblast recorded high significant ) P≤0.01) for T5 injection treatment compared to other treatments . The average weight of chicks in one-day after hatching showed a significant increase ) P≤0.01) for T5 treatment compared to negative and positive control.