Inventors: Assist. Prof. Dr. Tarek Abdul Sada Karim/Department of Plant Protection, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad
Senior Agricultural Engineer: Hanan Walid Najm Abdullah/Department of Agriculture Prevention, Ministry of Agriculture 


The aim of the technique was diagnosis of M. cannonballus by stimulating the ascospores germinate in petri dish in vitro. Fungi ascocarp was placed on a water film on the glass slide and distribution their ascus within the water layer.

The results showed that after the incubation at 5 ⁰C for ( 7-10 ) days, the fungi ascus were splitting from one side. The ascospores were appeared change in shape and size and began to form several germination. In this method, the fungal of M. cannonballus was stimulated for germination without the host presence in vitro.

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