Inventor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Rana Kadhim Mohammed Al-Shamari, Hiba Nabeel Abbas/Department of Bio-technologies, College of Science, University of Baghdad 


The aim of the research is to use the plasma emission technology to eliminate bacterial contamination with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Plasma plasma technology is one of the safest and most effective methods in the field of biomedicine. It has the potential to remove bacterial contamination from wounds and burns contaminated with topical zirconia without affecting the healthy cells adjacent to infected people. Genetic mutations and damage to the cell wall of bacteria leading to their killing.In addition to the important characteristics of jet plasma, it is a relatively simple design technique that works at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure. It can also be used on irregular surfaces where the surfaces are penetrated with a specific depth. The results of the test were indicated by CFU Log (33.1) of CFU Log ( 23.3), which means that the reduction rate (R%) was 100%.

This gave high efficiency in killing bacteria and all isolates.The value of cell killing (D-value) was (0.5 – 2.9)% for all isolates, in addition to the rate of killing of isolates depending on the time of the transaction, which was 10-60 minutes. were observed antimicrobial sensitivity on agar that increase susceptibility of Pseudomonas aeruginosa against antibiotics after exposure to needle plasma.  In this study, a pair of PA-ssR, PA-ssF primers were used to amplify the 956 DNA base pair of the 16S rRNA gene before and after the needle plasma treatment, after which the nitrogen base sequence was recorded at the National Bioinformatics Center and sequenced in the gene bank with a symbol RKHN and serial number LC369068. On the other hand, it was found that there was identical pairwise alignment between the nucleotide sequences of 16S rRNA gene of   P. aeruginosa isolate before and after plasma needle treatment about 97% with gap 1%, as the results shown the due to the presence of mutation in 16S rRNA gene of P. aeruginosa after plasma needle treatment: 2 G >T, 3,4 deletion G, 5 deletion C, 6 deletion A, 9,10 A > G, 13 G>T, 14 T>A, 17 deletion A, 21 T>G, 22 C>A, 23 A>T, 31 A>T, 34 C>G, 925, 926 deletion T, 927, 928 deletion A, 931 G > A.

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