Uses of Metachromasia Phenomenon as an Indicator for Ovarian Activity in Awassi Ewes
prepared by:
Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazih Wayes Zaid
Department of Surgery and Obstetrics
College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Baghdad
Detection of the ovarian activity is a large challenge that limited the economic benefit of this animal. Because of the free grazing production of this animal that make it difficult to use the routinely methods of detection of ovarian activity. And due to the importance of this animal in supporting the national economy and also for the increasing of food needing that came from the increase in population growth, made the need for discover a rapid methods which determine the exact ovarian activity with low equipment and effort that could be used in the Iraqi production circumstance. This experiment was designed in dependent of the idea of using the metachromasia phenomenon in exfoliated vaginal epithelium to detect the ovarian activity under the action of sexual hormones. Twenty five Awassi ewes were used in different ages with different reproductive physiology to study the possibility of using this phenomenon as an indicator to detect the ovarian activity. Methylene blue stain was used as a cytology pigment to stain the vaginal epithelium specimen. It could be observed that there was a difference in ovarian activity effect on metachromasia in the exfoliated vaginal epithelium. The ovarian activity lead to color changes of these cells, nevertheless, the inactive ovarian cases which not express this color changing. It could be conclude that this method could be used as a newly discovered process to determine the ovarian activity in sheep.