Faculty of political science discusses regional and international relations of Iraq in 2014

  Department of international studies at the faculty of political sciences, Baghdad university, held its quarterly symposium entitled (regional and international relations of Iraq after 2014) headed by prof. Saad Hakki Tawfiq, in al-Huria Hall at the college. Dr. Saad Hakki pointed out that this symposium addressed several papers notably lower oil prices, adding to the Saudi-Iranian competition and its implications for Middle East by Dr. Hala Khalid, as well as discussing the impact of regional variables on Iraq’s relations with neighboring countries by Dr. Abbas Hashim Aziz , along with discussing the reflection of the quadripartite agreement and Russian air strikes in Syria and Iraq by Dr. Ahmed Hussein Shahil, the constitutional arrangement between federalism and decentralization by Dr. RafaaTariq Qasim. The symposium was concluded with a paper by Dr. Saad Hakki Tawfiq that dealt with oil price fluctuations and their impact on the movement of international interactions.

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