A global journal publishes a research of an instructor of the university of Baghdad on reducing electric power consumption in heating

  Renewable Energy Journal published a research by Dr. Amar Ali Farhan, an instructor in the department of mechanical engineering at the college of engineering entitled “heating the glass house by using solar air heaters on its roof”. This journal is considered as one of the world discreet scientific journals of impact factor (3 361). The research dealt with the use of solar heater system for heating glass house innovative in Iraq that combines the ordinary glass house and the solar heaters on the roof and this arrangement does not affect the amount of radiation within the innovative glass house compared with the ordinary glass house. The researcher used the method of energy balance to calculate the heating load which differs from the previous restrictive methods and they do not include introducing the effect of thermal storage in the soil. It was revealed that heat gain reduces the required heat load from 13 to 19%, therefore the researcher studied six solar complexes of a single cover in winter 2012 when the oscillating air flow rate in the solar complexes ranged 0006-0012 kg/sec. 2 m in the experiments.

  The researcher found that approximately 84% of the thermal load is required to maintain the internal temperature of the glass house at 18 0 m which can be provided by solar complexes by the use of an air flow of 0012 kg/sec. 2 m and the total thermal energy stored (presumed) of solar complexes inside the glass house can cover the needs of the glass house from heating with an excess of about 46%. This research will contribute in reducing electric power consumption and providing heating in the glass houses that are of many uses.

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