Al-Kindy college of medicine at the university of Baghdad discusses air pollutants and the methods of treatment

Al-Kindy college of medicine at the university of Baghdad held a lecture entitled (air pollution) as part of a series of activities of the continuing education unit concerning scientific and educational lectures delivered weekly in various scientific and medical fields. The study showed that lead is one of the heavy elements found in nature affecting environment such as the fuel used in aircraft engines while the motor fuel have less lead emission. The study showed that the lead emitted into the air can be inhaled, especially when coming into contact with the soil and that  incinerators and factories are the most sources of pollution that intervene effectively with a lot of vital organs, including heart, bones, kidneys, intestines, nervous and genital systems.  The studies made by world health organization recorded a ratio of 40-50 Microgram / ​dL of lead poisoning and that air pollution can be identified as the atmosphere’s exposition to chemical or physical particles as well as biological compounds that cause damage and harm to human beings and other living organisms. The atmosphere is a system of natural complex and interactive gases supporting life on earth but the depletion of the ozone in the stratosphere layer is happening as a result of air pollution which is  one of the most dangerous things that presents a significant threat to human life and the ecosystem on earth.  the U.S. environmental protection agency published a series of data on the factors of many air pollutants from industrial sources besides that published by United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and other countries, as well as the European environment agency. There are many new technologies and strategies that are used to control air pollution such as land-use planning and transferring the infrastructure that happens in most developed countries as a social policy for the benefit of the overall economy, the people’ interests and protecting environment. The study dealt also with developing basic laws and expanding their scope to include new sources of pollution (such as cruise ships, cargo ships, agricultural equipment and small fuel equipment such as trimming gardens machineو saws and ice roller-skates), in addition to increasing fuel efficiency, using clean fuels (such as bioethanol and biodiesel) and using electric vehicles.

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