Transferring  the experience of the educational institutions at the university of California in a symposium held by the faculty of arts

The department of philosophy at the faculty of arts, university of Baghdad, held a symposium in which Dr. Jassim Bedaiwi gave a presentation about his scientific and academic experience and scientific research at the university of California, USA, when he was a visiting professor for one year. Dr. jasim reviewed this experience in two themes, practical and theoretical. In the first theme, he talked about three pillars on which the educational institutions depend in America, namely: the development of critical spirit through the study of the critical thinking and promoting this spirit through discussion in the classroom among students. Also he dealt with the method of writing researches and articles that the student is trained on since the beginning of his life so that the character of the researcher would be according to strong and solid criteria. The second theme focuses on his research entitled (the philosophy of friendship in the political theory from mythology to theocracy) in which he addressed the philosophical shift within the the symbolism of reality and article in the old Iraqi thought, particularly in the epic of Gilgamesh down to the impact of the idea of ​​friendship in the contemporary philosophies. This experience is considered as one of the achievements of the faculty of arts to supplement their professors and students with all new curriculum and how to study them in the world through the involvement of professors in such practical and vital experiences.

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