Instructors from the college of agriculture succeed in artificial insemination of ostriches and hawks

  Researchers from the college of agriculture at the university of Baghdad succeeded in insemination of ostriches and hawks artificially after conducting a study in adequate reserves chosen by the researchers (prof. Dr. Hazem Jabbar Al-daraji, Dr. Hisham Ahmed Saleh, Dr. Walid Khaled Abdul Latif and the instructor Asad Khalaf Mohammad) in Babil to improve fertility, hatching of ostriches which several studies showed that it is not normal for many reasons related to management, nutrition, veterinary care or mating behavior in all male and female ostriches through the adoption of several methods for the collection of semen from males and conducting artifical insemination for females. Dr. Hazim Al-daraji, one of the members of the research team said that this study is the first of its kind in Iraq and the world while senior researchers in Australia stopped at the stage of semen collection but thanks God our researchers succeeded in conducting an integrated process that is nor devoid of risk since they dealt with this bird that is characterized with offensive capabilitites. Al-daraji said that they used three methods to collect semen from the male through manual massage and the use of a doll for the purpose of female excitement and manufacturing some artificial genitalia of female ostrich that suit the features of the male. Through these three methods males were breeded separately from females in coops. Males get used to the presence of the person collecting the semen near them in the first phase, but in the second phase, females were trained to lie down in the presence of that person and in the third phase males and females were trained mating in the presence of him in their proximity. In the current study, female arousal has achieved better results than using a doll and manual massage the best results in terms of the size of the collective and individual movement of sperm concentration and the percentage of live and natural spermatozoa. Prof. Dr. Jabbar Al-daradji has contributed with the engineer “Sabah Ali Ajimi al-Shammari” from the private sector in joint research on the process of insemination of hawks during three consecutive reproductive seasons in three parts, the first ine concerning males, the second concerning females, while the third deals with hatching eggs. The first part included the adoption of a special method of collection of semen from the male taking into account the nature of these fierce birds being one of the most dangerous birds in the world. Results have shown that the method adopted in the private collection of semen from the males was very successful as evidenced by the results of the size fling and the concentration of sperm. The second part contained a special way to inseminate the females taking into account the fierce nature of this bird and the results showed that it was efficient in fertility, hatchability of eggs and gene loss. The third part dealt with the process of hatching eggs obtained after artificial insemination of females. It is concluded that the adoption of new methods for the collection of semen from the males and artificial insemination of females was an effective way to overcome the problem of low fertility rates and hatching.

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