M.A thesis at Baghdad university improves concrete mixtures by adding new material as the first of its kind in civil engineering

  A master thesis deals with using paper wastes in concrete mixtures for construction was discussed in the department of civil engineering at the college of engineering, university of Baghdad. It was entitled “Effect of using paper wastes on some properties of concrete” submitted by the student (Sara Labib Karim). the results showed that the use of paper waste results in a concrete of an appropriate mechanical resistance and some of its mechanical properties have impoved after ninety days of maturity, 1% of paper fiber volume is the most efficient in this research since it improved compression resistence, bending and elasticity coefficent after 90 days of concrete maturing compared with the reference mix. Also results showed that the favorite ratio of ammonia for use in concrete is (1%) as a concentration from ammonium hydroxide in water, as it is due to the significant increase in bending resistance of concrete by (58.22%) after 22 days of maturing, as well as this mix of paper and ammonia caused a marked improvement in compression resistence, bending resistance, elasticity coefficient.

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