Instructors of the college of engineering publish researches in distinct global journals and reach at new important results in oil and energy

  Prof. Dr. Khaled Ahmad Jodie published a joint research with Dr. Amar Ali Farhan, instructors in the department of mechanical engineering at the college of engineering, university of Baghdad entitled (a dynamic model and an experimental study of air and soil temperatures inside an innovative glass house) in (Energy conversion and management). The research dealt with an innovative glass house which combines the standard glass house and some solar air heaters placed on its roof to lessen the solar radiation inside the glass house during summer, which in turn reduces the cooling of the glass house and furnishes the house with solar heating. The researchers took measured air and soil temperatures at different depths beneath it without crops in the university research laboratories and they recorded measurements in cool and cloudy weather during winter. They also worked on the development of a thermal model of transition to estimate the internal environment of the glass house, anticipate all the internal temperature of it which included a model of heat exchange between the surface of the soil and indoor air to reach at more accurate results for the internal temperature measured. They took into consideration a number of variables such as weather measurements, physical and thermal properties of the glass house, i.e, the components of the cover, interior air and soil, in addition to comparing between theoretical and practical results which showed that the solar thermal energy storage system buried inside in the soil of the glass house at a depth of 50 cm is more useful than that buried outside. Also they reached at a maximum natural difference of innovative glass house between interior air temperature and weather temperature in clear skies (016 m) in February and (9 0 m) in June without running any heating or cooling system. In the same context, the teacher assistant Ahmed Zarzor scholared to Curtin university, Australia, published his research entitled (analysis of the scale of damage pores and formation of Bentheimer with NMR and CT tests and micro calculation) in one of Australian journals named (petroleum science and engineering journal). The researcher verified in his study the movement of solid particles of small size, having different sizes and concentrations that accompany the movement of fluids inside the porous rock center within a micrometer scope, as well as studying the different mechanisms that lead to damage to the permeability of the rock through using modern technologies to achieve this goal, namely, nuclear magnetic resonance that clarifies the volumetric porous distribution of the rock, and the second technology is x-ray of high resolution that provides very precise and a three dimensional imaging of the internal structure of the rock. It is worth mentioned that previous studies used indirect ways in this regard, while this invention was supported by images of high resolution microscope.

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