The Arab Board of Health Specializations at the ministry of health hosted the Pathology Council to discuss the introduction of the clinical pathology study for the first time in Iraq. The council members were hosted in the conference hall at the Department of Medical City in the presence of the director of the National Center for Research on Cancer, Prof. Dr. Nada Abdul Saheb al-Alwan for deliberation on the start of this study in Iraq during this year. The meeting was also attended by the directors of the educational laboratories affiliated to the Medical City complex, heads of pathology branches, some of the training professors from Baghdad medical colleges and other governorates.  During the discussions, the consultant quests welcomed the proposal of the director of the center to develop a fellowship for pathology graduates on early detection of the most common cancers in Iraq. It is noteworthy that Prof. Nada Al-Alwan is the head of the Training Fellowship Board for investigation of cancer affiliated to the Arab Board for health specialties at the ministry of health, including at the present time (12) graduates of the Family Medicine and Community Medicine Boards.


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