The Use of Modern Information Technologies in the Development of the Society

  Coinciding with the celebrations of the University of Baghdad of the second media university week the college of Engineering –Alkhawarzmi / Department of Information and Communications Engineering held a Symposium entitled (employment of modern technologies of information in the development of the society) at the Central Hall of Alkhawarazmi. This Symposium came to shed light on the development of practical reality in the field of information and communications.

 The most important objectives of the symposium are:

    1. Building and assign the engineering information systems in the sectors of the state.
    2. Use of new technologies.
    3. Resolve the difficulties facing the application of information and communication systems in the modern society.

 Mr. Dean, college of Engineering – Alkhawarzmi Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdel-Saheb sponsored the symposium. Mr. Secretary of the University of Baghdad,Assistant Professor Dr. Basim Ibrahim Al Abdali , Mr. Manager of the Computer Center. Dr. Ghassan Hamid, Assistants of the Dean, faculty members and students of the college, a number of employees of the Ministry of Defense and Interior and the heads of departments in the Ministry of Science and Technology added to the heads of departments corresponding to the college of Engineering / University of Baghdad, Nahrain University and University of Technology and Al-Ma’moon university college all these attended the symposium. The symposium was opened by playing the national anthem and then the Iraqi programme of the symposium began with verses from the Glorius Quran Surat Al-Fatiha was read in memory of the souls of the martyrs of Iraq and then Mrs. Head of Information and Communication Engineering Assistant Professor Dr. Suha Muhammad Hadi (Head of the Preparatory Committee), who showed the importance of information technology, communications and the scientific applications in some of the security and service ministries, and its use in the construction of the digital structural supporting the electronic governance.

 The symposium included several lectures with the addresses set forth below: –

(Vehicle Tracking based On Satellite) delivered by Dr. Khalifa Abboud Salim teaching in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering, where he showed the technology of tracking the vehicle users using the GPS.

 (Lidar technology in Military Applications) delivered by Assistant Instructor Zina Abbas Abid teaching in the Department of Information and Communication Engineering, showed the importance of this application at the Ministry of Defens. In addition she showed the use of these modern technologies in the civil fields and from the reality of the Iraqi society.

 (Monitoring System traffic) delivered by Dr. Ameer Hussein Murad teaching in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering, where he highlighted the importance of this application at the Ministry of Interior and in cooperation with the Ministry of Transportation.

 (Virtual Examination Committee) delivered by Assistant Instructor Harith Fakhri Tahir teaching in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering. He explained the use of information technology to build a database linking many of the departments and parties that deal with the examination committee, through a special page. in addition to the presentation of the need to build a graduated document based on accuracy and confidentiality through the use of modern technologies to be applied in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the other ministries and the various applications.

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