College of law holds a symposium on the role of Imam Ali (PBUH) in establishing the criminal system

  The department of criminal law at the college of law, University of Baghdad organized a scientific symposium entitled “the role of Imam Ali (PBUH) in establishing the milestones of the Islamic criminal system” sponsored by the dean, assistant prof. Dr Ali Abdul Sahib Mutashar and in the presence of the head of the Shiite endowment, Mr. Alaa Abdul Sahib al-Mosawi, Dr. Ali al-Yaqobi, dean of the faculty of law at University of Imam Kazem (PBUH). The researcher Dr. Kazem Abdullah al-Shammari gave a detailed explanation on the criminal history in the era of the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) where he entrusted the judicial and administrative issues of the Islamic nation to Imam Ali (PBUH) saying: “Ali is the fairest judge”. According to this, the Islamic State was established in the light of the legal advice among the Caliphs (RIP), based on the Fiqh and the rhetoric of the Commander of the Faithful (PBUH) for resolving disputable matters legally and judicially. The researcher dealt with the establishment of many of the matters Known at present in the criminal system in the Arab world in particular and in the Western world at general. Al-Shammari depended on contemporary scientific evidence such as dispersing witnesses when giving their testimony and verifying these testimonies in conformity with any kind of crime. For his part, assistant prof. Dr. Firas Abdul Moneim Abdul Allah, dean of the faculty of law al Mustansiriyah University enriched the symposium with his remarks in resolving many criminal cases such as the role of Imam Ali (PBUH) in the battle of “Trench” until the end of his succession. It is worth mentioned that the college of law seeks at present in cooperation with the ministry of higher education and scientific research and the education committee at the Iraqi parliament to adopt some Jurisprudential sources in its curriculum to avoid any legislative conflict or replicating any ready experiments that may not conform with reality.

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